These linked repeaters provide wide area coverage for normal ham radio communications on the 440 Mhz (70cm) band.
In addition the Carolina 440 UHF Link System repeaters are used as a backup for local and coastal SKYWARN Administration, and if the need arises for any emergencies related to SKYWARN, State and Local AUXCOMM/ARES that includes, Wake, Durham and Johnston Counties. Surrounding Counties also has coverage on the RF Link System. The Carolina 440 is used by Cary CERT, Wake Canine Search & Rescue and other public safety organizations as needed. The radio system is used as a back up for the Piedmont Coastal Traffic Net when the primary repeater (146.880) is down or used for other events or emergencies. The SECN/Carolina 440 system participates in SKYWARN Recognition day every first Saturday in December as well.
We are also focused on public service events, which we assist with communications. Served organizations include the American Cancer Society, American Diabetes Association, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Multiple Sclerosis Society, Special Olympics, Raleigh Rescue Mission, Tammy Lynn Foundation and Bradfords Ordinary Fire Company, just to name a few.
We have also provided communications support to local Towns and Cities with parades and other Community events, CERT Teams, Scouts and educational school events like the ISS Contact with students. (Phillips Middle School, Chapel Hill, NC) see the Services menu on Education for details. The system has been used for the Western Carolina University's near space balloon tracking and recovery projects too.
The IRLP (4270), EchoLink (42704) and AllStar (42235) Systems provide additional linking capabilities for other agencies such as the National Hurricane Center in Miami, FL. during severe weather across the Nation. The KD4RAA, 146.775 VHF System is also a dedicated system that is used for the VoIP Skywarn on IRLP Raleigh Reflector 9219. The VoIP Weather Net site can be viewed at: http://www.voipwx.net
On October 3, 2002 Hurricane Lili was the first IRLP - Hurricane/Skywarn net using our East Coast Reflector 9210 in Raleigh, N.C. (Click HERE to see the Article from NHC)
Click on Repeater tab in the menu to see the repeater locations and frequencies that are on the air linked and connected to the Raleigh East Coast Reflector 9210, AllStar and DMR Bridge Dashboard.
The Carolina 440 UHF Link System/SECN is a 501 (C3), Tax ID # 45-5354176
also accept individual and Corporate donations, Consult your tax advisor for details.

The Five County Ham Radio Enthusiast Weekly Carolina 440 Net is held every Sunday at 7:00 PM
The topic of the net is check-in driven, meaning If you have any topic of interest to the ham radio or other hobbies you may bring it up. Net control may restrict any topic and the topics must be compliant with the repeater trustee and FCC regulations. For information on Five County please visit the website at: http://www.fivecountyhre.org/about-2/ We hope new and old amateur radio operators check in and volunteer for net control.
The CAROLINA 440 weekly NET is held each Monday night at 19:30 Hrs on the Carolina 440 UHF Link System.
The Cary CERT net is held every third Thursday of each month at 19:30 hrs http://www.carycert.org/
Some of the abilities and features are:
Regional RF Link System, based in Raleigh.
Public Codes and E-911 Auto patch/Raleigh System
SAME NWS Weather Radio Alerts (Raleigh System) and Shearon-Harris NPP Alerts (Duke Progress Energy).
Linking System to the Outer Banks using AllStar, IRLP, TGIF DMR Talk Group 440 and DMR Bridge.
Linking System to the Wilmington area using AllStar and The Cape Fear Hub 2285
Audio Feed from AllStar: https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/34503
Linking System to the NC HEARS System on demand using EchoLink
IRLP System 4270 and IRLP Raleigh East Coast Reflector 921 (Multi-Channel users)
AllStar System 42235 with ability to bridge our DMR System using TGIF and Brandmeister Networks.
EchoLink System 42704
Repeater System usable with CISCO Systems Instant-Connect on NERV Communications Van.
CISCO Systems NERV on You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMqgNswSo-pJk66mflsXA1Q
CISCO Systems TacOps on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cisco.tacops
CISCO Systems NERV in JOCO on You Tube:
CISCO Systems NERV Tour on You Tube:
CISCO Systems NERV Tour with Chandler Johnson, KM4INK:
CISCO Systems NERV on You Tube:
(Voice Interoperability System for Amateur Radio)
VISAR information is under Services Menu.