Links to Live Stream Audio Feeds

Carolina 440 UHF Link System, Amateur Radio Live Stream:    

Raleigh, NC P25, W4BAD System: 

On Line Fire, Limited EMS, Law Enforcement Audio Feed for Cary, Raleigh and surrounding Areas.  Also Pender and Onslow Public Safety:   

Click on this:

Phone App Store search:  "Rdio Scanner"

You can purchase a subscription at Alert Page.

Insert in settings this URL:

Rdio Scanner Info: 

When you open the URL on your PC or phone using the  Rdio Scanner App you click on the "LIVE FEED" tab, then you can select talk groups by Clicking on the "SELECT TG" Tab.   

Turning "OFF" all the Talk groups and selecting what you want to hear may be the best, because there is a lot of Talk Groups to listen to and more to be added.

SDR Scanner info: 

Phone App Store search:  Police - "Scanner Radio"  Search for Cary Fire-Rescue and the Carolina 440 System

Cary System - Wake County Fire Frequencies and Talk Groups: 

Cary Fire-Rescue Direct scan URL for the feed to Broadcastify:  "Click on media player"

Carolina 440 System through Ham Shack Hotline:

Cary Fire -Rescue Through Ham Shack Hotline:
                                                                       HF Amateur Radio SDR Audio Feed (Listen to HF) Example:  "Enter 3895 LSB"
         Web SDR Receivers

On Line Audio Feed or Rdio Scanner phone App for Raleigh, surrounding areas including Harnett, Johnston, Wake, Wayne County:

Click on "Live Feed"  then the "Talk Group" then the "Talk Groups" desired under Wake, Cary, Harnett, Johnston, and Wayne County Systems.  This has additional systems and Talk Groups including Amateur Radio's AllStar System.

Example:   Under ALLStar, 
Talk Group "NC 440"  is the Amateur Radio Carolina 440 UHF Link System

Note:   Selecting all OFF and then select what you want to hear in each system is the best way to select desired Talk Groups.             



Garner Weather Radio 162.450:      TBD  Presently Offline until spring 2023

Cary Fire-Rescue Frequencies:

Cary FIRE-RESCUE Direct live Audio Feeds:
Cary Fire-Rescue Ham Shack Hotline feed:  7027                                                 

Johnston County Public Safety on Broadcastify:     / 

LIVE HF Audio Feed:   Enter Frequency and Mode, "Example: 3895  LSB"

Broadcastify Live Scanner Feeds: 

AllStar 45221, WB4ULK Columbus, Ga DMR Talk Group 311342:

AllStar 45221 Also on Broadcastify:

W4ATC 442.675+ 100 PL STARS Repeater at NCSU Campus

Johnston County Aviation

ADS-B Flight Tracker Contributor, Click 
Here for Flight Tracker Data:

©2001-2018 Carolina 440 UHF Link System, A Non-Profit Division of Southeastern Emergency Communications Network, Corp. All rights reserved.
Ronnie J. Casey • K4JDR at • 84 Angie Road Raleigh, NC 27603-7336
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