Old Locations

These are some of the former repeater locations and equipment used for the Carolina 440 System. This is provided for historical and technical reference.
444.775+ 100 PL
K4JDR Repeater
OLD location Cary, NC

We would like to THANK the Town of Cary for allowing us to have tower space at this site for over 16 years before the tank was removed.
  The Cary Repeater consists of a GE Master IIe presently Running 22 Watts out the Decibel BP/BR duplexer. The tower site at ground level is 508 Feet. The antenna Height is 150 feet to the antenna. The height above the average terrain is 264 Feet. The antenna is a 460 Mhz cut Decibel DB 408, 6.6 db gain folded dipole omni with a 18 inch side mount on the Northwest side of a Rhon 55 tower also mounted on the North side of the Water Tanks catwalk, the signal is nulled to the south.

The feed line consist of 7/8" Andrews, heliax hard line with LMR-400 Jumpers. The site has a UPS and Generator Power backup.

  GE Master IIe complete with Power Supply
Decibel DB-4070 BP/BR duplexer
Onan 650W Generator w/ auto switching station
RFI Surge Suppressor
Decibel DB 408, 6.6 db gain folded dipole omni
Rhon 55 Tower Equipment
7/8" Andrews, Heliax hard line
Times Microwave, LMR-400 Jumpers
Polyphaser IS-50NX Surge Arrestor
Celwave PD395 Bulkhead Mount Arrestor
Antenex, Y-4306 6 EL. Yagi, Link Antenna
GE, MLS-UHF Link Radio 10 watts output
5.5 Ft. 19 inch Repeater Rack Assembly

This is a picture of the old Cary Repeaters RF deck hinged down.
This is another picture of the old Cary repeater showing the PL card slot. 
This is the UHF  Link antenna, pointed to the east at the Hub repeater.
A look up the old water tower

This is a  Sentry pro generator that was installed in October 2003 to replace a older model.


If you are interested in my field notes which contain many schematics and information on the equipment and addition items I had to build, please click Field Notes here or on the side bar and visit our Yahoo site for schematics.  The notes are in a PDF or jpeg format so you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader available at Adobe's web site.

444.1500 + 100 PL
K4JDR Repeater
Clayton, NC

Repeater presently OFF AIR
  The Clayton repeater consist of a Uniden-Force, ARU Series Desktop Repeater receiver and a transmitter consisting of various home brew equipment mostly a GE, MLS mobile running 18 watts. It also has a GE, MLS Link radio transmitting 11 watts into a 6 element Maxrad yagi directed at the 441.725 Hub at 28 ft. External fans are directed onto the radios heat sink for cooling. A Com-Spec TS-64 is used to decode CTCSS on the receiver. Lightning protection consist of polyphasers, the repeater and the link radio along with a shared grounding system with the two meter WB4IUY 147.390 + 88.5 PL Repeater. It has a Maxrad VHF/UHF diplexer with a DCI Band Pass filter (seen below) on the UHF repeaters feed line.


This is the Uniden ARU-251 Clayton Repeater. 
This is the K4JDR Clayton repeater cabinet. The Clayton 147.390 repeater and cabinet is on top and the UHF repeater and the W4RAL-4, 145.010 BBS packet node and cavities are inside. 
K4JDR Installing the Clayton UHF Link Antenna. 


©2001-2018 Carolina 440 UHF Link System, A Non-Profit Division of Southeastern Emergency Communications Network, Corp. All rights reserved.
Ronnie J. Casey • K4JDR at juno.com • 84 Angie Road Raleigh, NC 27603-7336
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