ALLSTAR Node 42235 Raleigh, NC                  

The Carolina 440 AllStar Node number for the Raleigh 441.725+ 100 PL Hub Repeater is 42235 and it is connected to the KB4FXC, Cape Fear, Carolina 440 Hub 2285 located in Wilmington, NC full time.  This connection is the one used to connect additional repeaters together for the Carolina 440 system.  The N4ILM Winnabow 444.850+ 88.5 PL and the KB4FXC Wilmington 444.500+ 67 PL repeater can be connected to the Carolina 440 System on demand by a Control Operator.  The K4OBX Bodie Island 441.125+ 100 PL repeater is connected full time to Cape Fear Hub 2285.  See our 440 Repeater list for repeaters on the RF and VoIP links.

TGIF DMR Network to AllStar Bridge for Carolina 440 System Talk Group 440            


The Raleigh Hub AllStar link can be connected to other AllStar Nodes.  We also have a portable AllStar Nodes K4JDR 464290 and KF4AUF 42242 for field use. 

Click on Hyperlinks below for AllStar status and info.

Please consider donating to these AllStar Organizations: and 


AllStar C 440 Monitor: 

AllStar Status Page:

AllStar Node Map: 

AllStar System Map:

AllStar connections bubble chart for 42235:

System Wide AllStar Node List:

AllStar/IRLP 9050 East Coast Reflector:

DMR HUB LINK Dashboard:

WB4ULK Columbus, Ga System:

Wilmington VHF Association:

TGIF DMR Network:             Carolina 440, TGIF Talk Group 440



HamShack Hotline Map: 

HamShack Hotline Raleigh Hub RF Link: 94125


Node Ventures/ AllStar Nodes: 


Network Filters for CAT 6 cables:

©2001-2018 Carolina 440 UHF Link System, A Non-Profit Division of Southeastern Emergency Communications Network, Corp. All rights reserved.
Ronnie J. Casey • K4JDR at • 84 Angie Road Raleigh, NC 27603-7336
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